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Become a member

community members holding hands

Become a member

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Society Membership

Becoming a member helps support Flowerstone Health Society.
Registering as a member is 20 dollars and will let you have a say in shaping the future direction of FHS.
Society Membership Application Form
Flowerstone Health Society is a non-profit society, registered under the BC Societies Act. Our mandate is to demonstrate community leadership in Primary Care. Our first project is to establish a Nurse Practitioner-led clinic, known as a patient Medical Home, within the Oceanside Community’s Primary Care Network.

Society memberships are available to:

● a Nurse Practitioner (NP) in good standing with the British Columbia College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP) or,

● a member of the community who is interested in supporting the purposes of the Society or,

● an individual who is working in the Flowerstone Family Health Clinic or,

● an individual, residing outside the community, interested in supporting the purposes of the society and with demonstrated healthcare leadership experience.

All new Society memberships are reviewed by the Board of Directors.

A new membership must be approved a minimum of 14 days prior to a scheduled Annual General Meeting (AGM) in order to be eligible to vote at that meeting.

Benefits of Membership:

A membership in the Flowerstone Health Society provides the opportunity to be involved and
informed in an organization committed to supporting and improving primary care services for the Oceanside area. As a member you will have the opportunity to help inform the direction of the
Flowerstone Family Health Clinic in Qualicum Beach, BC. Society Members are encouraged
and eligible to vote at the Society’s Annual General Meeting.

Membership does not in any way provide an advantage to those seeking employment or
attachment to a primary care provider in the Patient Care Network.

Voting rights for Society Members are valid from the day of membership purchase until just after
that year’s AGM. Society updates are distributed until the following years’ AGM.

Membership Fee: $20

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